Saturday, April 23, 2016

Love is

Love, in a moment, or a mere state of mind?
An effortless emotion words hardly define.
An indulgence beyond time, logic or reason;
No boundaries, no heed, yet intense & complete.
It isn’t but is insane, yet calm and contained.

Then why express it in resentment & hate?
Shadowed, by shallow needs that mutate?
Why forceful calibrations of materialistic minds?
What more are we searching, what else will we find?
Why the delusion, when the real is divine?

Why can’t love just heal, pacify, be calm
And not burn, desiccate and alarm.
Why indulge self in narcissistic scars?
Why I, me & mine, not us not ours?

Lift the blindfolds & open your doors.
Laugh with someone, it is melody and more.
Skip a heartbeat, listen to one fore,
Stop running, hold hands & walk down the shore.

Haven’t you heard the seashell? It’ll sing you lores
Of love and its magic, of hearts it adored.
Of Love, that needs no masks, no lies.
Needs no deception, no spectating eyes;
Just yours, with wonder, a heart more alive,
That finds exuberance in journey, not when arrived.